Date: September 18, 2022

"The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ!”

September  18 2022. (Foundations of Grace Part6). The above podcast was pre-recorded during a meeting of Grace Christian Church. We meet in person and stream services every Sunday at 10:30 AM EST in Manalapan, New Jersey.

Details regarding online ZOOM meetings can be found on Facebook Grace Christian Church of Monmouth County

Brothers & Sisters – The Spirit with our human spirit testifies to our soul (Mind, Will, Emotions) about who we are in
Christ. Here in these verses, we read we have a loving Abba Father, we are adopted as sons, we are God’s child, and
we are an heir (we inherit all that is Christ’s). We see here the Spirit is mingled together with our human spirit
giving testimony/evidence like in a judicial trial to our soul (like the judge).
If we don’t receive this testimony from the Spirit and believe the testimony of the Spirit, we will never rest in our new
identity in Christ and live from our old identity patterns in Adam heavily rely on our flesh (The place the Law of Sin
resides). We will never experience overcoming the Law of Sin in our members/flesh if we don’t receive and believe
the Spirit’s testimony of who we have become in Christ.
If one doesn’t receive and believe he will revert back to trying to become someone who he already is by striving in
the flesh, and being tempted to sin from the flesh.

Has the Spirit Testified with Your spirit Recently Something You

Previously Didn’t Know about Your Identity in Christ?

Published On: September 18th, 2022Comments Off on “The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ!” September  18 2022. (Foundations of Grace Part6).

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