"Spiritual Refreshment!” March 26 2023. The above podcast was pre-recorded during a meeting of Grace Christian Church. We meet in person and stream services every Sunday at 10:30 AM EST in Manalapan, New Jersey. Details regarding online ZOOM meetings can be found on our church website www.njgrace.org and on Facebook Grace Christian Church of Monmouth County Believing man is put back on God’s original plan of the expression of the Him, and being conformed into the image of Christ. Christ is working in and through man to express Himself through man to those around man for God’s purposes and work (Eph 2:10). Conformity, Reflection, Expression of Christ is God’s Plan for Your Life! Pathway to Being a Spiritual Refreshment 1. Love of Christ 2. Knowledge of Who We are in Christ 3. Christ’s Refreshment in You and Through You