Date: February 15, 2025

One-to-One Ministry to Christians Who Have The Wrong Biblical View of Themselves 2.15.2025 , The above podcast was pre-recorded during a meeting of Grace Christian Church. We meet in person and stream services every Sunday at 10:30 AM EST in Manalapan, New Jersey.

Summary: Understanding Who We Are as Christians

Thank you for joining today’s discussion on what the Bible says about our identity as Christians.

Who Are You?

When asked this question, many people define themselves by their job, social status, or religious affiliation. However, few consider their identity from God’s perspective. The Bible teaches that when we believe in Christ for the forgiveness of sins, we are transformed by His finished work on the cross. Jesus’ death and resurrection completed God’s plan for our salvation, making us new in Him.

Overcoming Negative Labels

In a fallen world, we often adopt negative labels given to us by others—family, friends, or even the church. Proverbs 23:7 states, “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.” If we believe these false identities, we begin to act accordingly. However, the Bible reveals the truth about who we truly are in Christ. By renewing our minds, we can replace negative thinking with biblical truth, allowing us to live in alignment with God’s design.

Truth #1: You Are a Saint, Not a Sinner

Many churches wrongly teach that Christians are still sinners. While we may still sin, the Bible calls believers “Saints” because we have been made new in Christ. If we see ourselves as sinners, we will continue to struggle with guilt. But recognizing our new identity as Saints—fully forgiven past, present, and future—allows us to live in the freedom Christ intended.

Truth #2: You Have a New Identity

Another misconception is that Christians have two natures—an old sinful nature and a new spiritual nature. However, 2 Corinthians 5:17 declares that anyone in Christ is a “new creation.” Our old self is gone, and we are completely new. Instead of striving to become new, we must accept that we already are and live accordingly.

Truth #3: Christ Lives in You

The key to the Christian life is not self-effort but allowing Christ to live through us. Galatians 2:20 says, “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” This means we surrender control, trusting Christ to guide our thoughts, actions, and purpose. Instead of struggling to meet religious expectations, we embrace the “exchanged life,” where Christ works through us.


As Christians, we are:

1.Saints, not sinners.

2.New creations, not divided between old and new selves.

3.Empowered by Christ, who lives through us.

Our journey of faith involves continuously renewing our minds with these truths. I encourage you to reflect on what we’ve discussed and ask yourself again: Who are you? If you have questions, let’s continue the conversation in our next meeting.

Published On: February 15th, 2025Comments Off on One-to-One Ministry to Christians Who Have The Wrong Biblical View of Themselves 2.15.2025

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