Date: October 12, 2024

Understanding Revelation:

Revelation means uncovering truths previously unknown, and as believers, we all have access to this through the Holy Spirit. The challenge lies in learning to listen and trust what God reveals. Before the fall, humanity had a natural connection with God, and after accepting the Gospel, we regain this ability. We must now refine our spiritual sense, as we were created in God’s image with the capacity to hear Him.

Illustration: Like a man learning to use his new sight after being blind, believers must adjust to spiritual revelation after relying on logic for so long.

Key Point: Revelation precedes faith, and Christianity is built on this experience. God desires all believers to receive revelation.

How to Receive Revelation:

1.Be still before God.

2.Listen actively, especially during prayer or Bible reading.

3.Ask God for guidance.

4.Write down and reflect on revelations.

A calm mind is essential for receiving from God.

The Bible’s Source:

The Bible’s words were inspired by the Holy Spirit, not human will. Understanding the Spirit behind the words is crucial for gaining insight.

Old Covenant vs. New Covenant:

The Bible is divided into the Old Covenant of Law and the New Covenant of Grace. Under the Law, acceptance was through obedience, but under Grace, we receive blessings through Jesus. Mixing these covenants can cause misunderstandings.

How to Read the Bible:

Meditatively: Seek spiritual insight for transformation.

Inductively: Use structured questions to dig deeper into the text.

Ultimately, Bible study should lead to personal transformation through the Spirit’s revelation.

Published On: October 12th, 2024Comments Off on How to study Bible (Part 2) 10.12.2024.

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