Date: December 29, 2024

Church Gatherings 12.29.2024.The meeting of Grace Christian Church. We meet in person and stream services every Sunday at 10:30 AM EST in Manalapan, New Jersey.

1. Purpose of Early Church Gatherings

•The 1st Century Church met in small, participatory gatherings (20–30 people) focused on:

•Fellowship with one another.

•Practicing mutual edification (“one another” actions).

•Building up each other spiritually.

•Leaders (elders, deacons) emerged naturally from these gatherings, without formal seminary training.

•Spiritual equipping (teaching, prophecy, gifts) was the foundation of these gatherings.

2. Transition to Large Gatherings

•By 400–500 AD, the Church moved from homes to large buildings, where:

•Worship became the primary focus, overshadowing mutual edification.

•Only one speaker taught, leading to a hierarchical division between clergy and laity.

•Believers became passive listeners rather than active participants.

3. Current Revival of Early Church Principles

•Many Christians are leaving traditional organized religion due to lack of spiritual connection.

•A revival of the 1st Century Church model (intimate and participatory gatherings) is seen as spiritually impactful.

•Satan opposes this model, knowing its spiritual power in equipping believers.

4. Central Theme: Edification

•The primary purpose of Church gatherings, according to Paul, is edification:

•Building up, helping grow, and spiritually strengthening one another (1 Corinthians 14:26).

•Worship is secondary to mutual edification in this model.

5. Fundamentals of a 1st Century Church Gathering

Paul outlines four key components of participatory gatherings in 1 Corinthians 14:26:

1. Psalms

•Singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:18–19).

•Worship is interactive, not passive.

2. Teachings

•Sharing insights God has revealed through personal study, trials, or experiences.

•Everyone is encouraged to come prepared to share if led by the Spirit.

3. Revelation/Prophecy/Gifts

•Believers share revelations from God to edify and exhort others.

•Prophecy (forthtelling or foretelling) is encouraged for spiritual growth.

4. Tongues/Interpretations

•Tongues (unknown languages) should only be spoken with interpretation.

•Tongues serve as a sign for unbelievers, while prophecy builds up believers.

6. Key Scriptures Emphasized

1 Corinthians 14:26: “When you assemble, each one has a psalm, a teaching, a revelation, a tongue, an interpretation.”

1 Corinthians 14:12: Seek to abound for the edification of the Church.

1 Corinthians 14:40: “All things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.”

7. Practical Application

Prepare Before Gathering: Believers are encouraged to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit on what to share to edify others.

Participatory Structure: Each member contributes in a way that strengthens the Body of Christ.

Balance in Worship: Meetings involve both horizontal (mutual edification) and vertical (worship of God) interactions.

8. Call to Action

•Revive the participatory model of the early Church.

•Be intentional and Spirit-led in contributing to gatherings.

•Focus on mutual growth and strengthening of the Body of Christ.

Published On: December 29th, 2024Comments Off on Church Gatherings 12.29.2024. (Part 1)

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