Date: January 11, 2025

Church Gatherings  (Part 2) 1.5.2025The meeting of Grace Christian Church. We meet in person and stream services every Sunday at 10:30 AM EST in Manalapan, New Jersey.

The early Church’s gatherings were designed for mutual edification, where believers actively participated in building each other up through spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 14:26). Worship constituted only a fraction of their time, with most activities fostering horizontal engagement among members.

From AD 400-500, the Church shifted to hierarchical structures in large buildings, which diminished participatory practices. This transition centralized spiritual edification under clergy, leading to disengagement from organized religion.

The text advocates a return to the 1st-century Church model, focusing on participatory gatherings with Christ as the Head. Believers are encouraged to depend on one another as members of the Body of Christ.

Four Fundamentals of Edification (1 Corinthians 14:26):

  1. Psalms: Singing or reading spiritual songs to glorify God and uplift others.
  2. Teachings: Sharing personal revelations, Scripture insights, or life experiences to promote spiritual growth.
  3. Revelations/Prophecy: Speaking God’s truth to encourage and exhort the group.
  4. Tongues/Interpretations: Speaking in tongues only with interpretation, while prioritizing prophecy for greater impact.

Believers are urged to prepare and share Spirit-led contributions in gatherings, ensuring all activities are orderly and focused on strengthening the Church (1 Corinthians 14:40). Reviving this participatory model aligns with Christ’s design for spiritual unity, growth, and impactful fellowship.

Published On: January 11th, 2025Comments Off on Church Gatherings  (Part 2) 1.5.2025

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