Date: October 6, 2024

The message from the podcast series “What’s New?” explores the concept of the New Covenant Priesthood, emphasizing how every believer in Christ becomes a priest, not just a select few with formal training. Here’s a modern, EDM-inspired summary with idioms and phrases:

“What’s New? A New Covenant Priesthood”

In this episode, we dive into what it means to be part of God’s eternal plan through Christ. The big idea is that believers are in union with Christ, which means they’re part of something way bigger than themselves—God’s massive, cosmic plan to make Jesus the top of everything, in heaven and on earth.

But here’s the catch: most of us don’t see how we fit into this big picture. We’re caught up in our day-to-day stuff, only catching glimpses of what God’s up to. It’s like looking at life through a keyhole when there’s a whole universe going on around you. Ephesians 1:9-10 and Colossians 1:18 say it clearly—God’s ultimate goal is to make Christ number one, everywhere.

Right now, Christ is the head of everything in heaven, but here on earth, His reign is still coming. The future will bring Christ’s rule over all, but it starts with Him becoming the center of every believer’s life—yep, that means you.

Step Up as a New Covenant Priest

Now, here’s the real twist—when you believe in Christ, you step into a new kind of priesthood. Forget what you’ve seen in churches where only a few people get the title of “priest.” According to the Bible, every believer is a priest under the New Covenant, and this role comes with three main duties:

1. Offer Yourself to God: Instead of offering animal sacrifices like in the Old Testament, now it’s about offering yourself. You become a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). This means letting God take the wheel in your life so that His will can flow through you. It’s like surrendering to the ultimate DJ who mixes your life with His divine beats. When you let go, life becomes a whole new level of awesome.

2. Serve Others from God: Here’s where it gets real—serving others isn’t just doing good deeds. It’s about serving with the strength God gives you. When you try to do things on your own, you’re running on empty, but when you let God power your service, it’s like plugging into a spiritual energy source that never runs out. And when you do that, all the glory goes to God, not to yourself.

3. Work from God, Not for God: This one’s deep—you’re not out here hustling for God like you owe Him something. Instead, you’re working from God, walking in the good works He already set up for you. It’s like stepping into a divine flow where everything just clicks because you’re in sync with God’s plan (Ephesians 2:10).

What’s the Catch?

The message reminds us that there’s a spiritual battle going on. The enemy wants to take control of your life and keep Christ from being number one. But, as Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12, the real fight isn’t against other people—it’s a spiritual struggle. You’ve got to stay focused, keep offering yourself to God, and let Him lead.

Key Takeaway: If you really want to live out your faith, you’ve got to let Christ take center stage. Offer yourself as a living sacrifice, serve with His strength, and work from His power. When you do that, you’re stepping into your role as a New Covenant Priest, ready to make a real impact in the world.

Feeling the call? Ready to level up your priesthood game? Start by offering yourself to God and watch how He works through you!

Published On: October 6th, 2024Comments Off on New What’s? A New Covenant Priesthood 10.06.2024 (Part 7)

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